Notification of a data protection incident

We ask members of the university to use the link below to report a data protection incident.

A data protection incident is not the end of the world. Experience from dealing with previous data protection incidents shows that the issue is handled very professionally at all levels of the administrative hierarchy. Mistakes happen even to the best employees of the HWR. Therefore:

Dare to report the incident. It is better to report too much than too little. Ultimately, the focus is not on the error that led to the incident, but on fulfilling our legal reporting obligations and dealing with the data protection incident. After all, it is about protecting the fundamental rights of the personal data entrusted to us.

To report, please access the LINK to the reporting portal and fill in the data fields required there.

The form serves as a basis for assessing the extent of the violation and any countermeasures to be initiated. The data protection officer will accompany you through the reporting procedure and, together with you and the university management, will initiate countermeasures to eliminate the risks to the rights and freedoms of the persons affected by the data protection incident. The report can only be omitted if it is known for certain that the incident has already been reported by other employees. Data protection incidents have priority. This means that reporting them always takes precedence over day-to-day business or other current work – unfortunately also on Friday afternoons.

In any case, the incident is documented by the data protection team. HWR is obliged to document data protection violations.

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